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S. Levchenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Komissarenko, MD; et al. A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

A total of 721 patients aged 19 to 91 years were examined and treated in a multicenter randomized prospective study. The use of psyllium (Mucofalk) in multitargeted therapy was justified in patients with hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and constipation. Mucofalk was proven to have a lipid-lowering effect in all patient groups; it was demonstrated that the drug could be co-administered with statins for synergistic action in patients at high and very high risk for cardiovascular diseases. Stool was normalized in the majority of patients long treated with Mucofalk. Drug discontinuation was not required in any patient. Twenty-four Mucofalk therapy reduced body mass index by an average of 4.75–9.80% without substantial dietary restrictions in the patients.

metabolic syndrome
lipid-lowering agents

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